OWL representation of ISO 19156 Sampling Features model


This ontology is not maintained and is deprecated in favour of other ontologies that are, listed in the Geoscience Australia Supermodel's Sampling Domain set of models.

This ontology is preserved here for reference. Not all hyperlinks, such as those to external models, work as some of those items are no longer available.



OWL representation of ISO 19156 Sampling Features model

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ISO 19156:2011

  • A simple OWL representation of the Sampling Features Schema described in clauses 9-11 of ISO 19156:2011 Geographic Information - Observations and Measurements

  • An OWL representation of the Sampling Features Schema described in clauses 9-11 of ISO 19156:2011 Geographic Information - Observations and Measurements. In contrast to previous versions developed through SSN and in conjunction with ISO 19150-2, this ontology has minimal dependencies on existing ontologies, particularly those that trigger extended chains of imports. This allows use of this ontology without committing to an entire family of ontologies.

Ontology RDF (Turtle)

Overview Diagrams

Figure 1: This ontology's class hierarchies

Figure 2: The Specimen class and its properties

Figure 3: The SamplingFeature class and its properties


Spatial curve c

IRI http://def.seegrid.csiro.au/ontology/om/sam-lite#Curve
  • 1-D geometric object

  • This stub is included in the sam: ontology to support constraints on the sam:shape property of a sam:SamplingCurve. An existing OWL class that represents the notion of a Curve may be asserted to be a sub-class of this stub, but without requiring use of any particular representation of Curve in the context of a sam:SamplingCurve instance.

Sub Class Of samfl:GeometryObject c

Geometry object c

IRI http://def.seegrid.csiro.au/ontology/om/sam-lite#GeometryObject
  • Geometry object has properties relating to geometry, incuding positional and topological attributes, reference system, accuracy and precision. Might be geolocated.

  • This stub is included in the sam: ontology to support references to geometry in various places. An existing concrete OWL class that represents the notion of a geometry may be asserted to be a sub-class of this stub, without requiring use of a specific representation of Geometry in the context of sampling.

Sub Class Of
Equivalentclass om-lite:GeometryObject
In Range Of samfl:shape op
Super Class Of

Location c

IRI http://def.seegrid.csiro.au/ontology/om/sam-lite#Location
Is Defined By om:sam-lite
  • Location, expressed as either a geometry object or feature

  • samfl:GeometryObject is subclass

  • w3geo:SpatialThing, geosparql:SpatialObject are subclasses

In Range Of
Super Class Of samfl:GeometryObject c

Measure or quantity c

IRI http://def.seegrid.csiro.au/ontology/om/sam-lite#Measure
Equivalentclass om-lite:Measure
In Range Of samfl:size op

Observation process c

IRI http://def.seegrid.csiro.au/ontology/om/sam-lite#ObservationProcess
Is Defined By om:sam-lite
  • Process used in an observation, including sensors, algorithms, computation methods

  • The result of application of an observation process is an observation result - i.e. an estimate of a property value.

Equivalentclass om-lite:Process
In Range Of samfl:hostedProcedure op

Spatial point c

IRI http://def.seegrid.csiro.au/ontology/om/sam-lite#Point
  • 0-D geometric object

  • This stub is included in the sam: ontology to support constraints on the sam:shape property of a sam:SamplingPoint. An existing OWL class that represents the notion of a Point may be asserted to be a sub-class of this stub, but without requiring use of any particular representation of Point in the context of a sam:SamplingPoint instance.

Sub Class Of samfl:GeometryObject c

Sampling process c

IRI http://def.seegrid.csiro.au/ontology/om/sam-lite#Process
Is Defined By 19156-2011:sampling
  • Process involved in sampling. This may include specimen retrieval or processing, surveying a spatial sampling feature, excavation to provide access to a sampling feature, or any other process whose outcome is a new sampling feature.

  • The result of a application of a sampling process is a - new or - transformed sample.

In Range Of samfl:samplingMethod op

Sampling curve c

IRI http://def.seegrid.csiro.au/ontology/om/sam-lite#SamplingCurve
Is Defined By om:sam-lite
  • Spatial sampling feature whose shape is a 1-D manifold (Curve)

  • Transect, traverse, flightline, cruise, trajectory, borehole, etc

Sub Class Of samfl:SpatialSamplingFeature c
Restriction samfl:shape op only

Sampling Feature c

IRI http://def.seegrid.csiro.au/ontology/om/sam-lite#SamplingFeature
Is Defined By om:sam-lite
  • Feature on which observations may be made, which is intended to be representative of a different (usually larger) feature that is not fully accessible for some reason.

  • Sampling features are artefacts of an observational strategy, and have no significant function outside of their role in the observation process. The physical characteristics of the features themselves are of little interest, except perhaps to the manager of a sampling campaign.

    EXAMPLE A “station” is essentially an identifiable locality where a sensor system or procedure may be deployed and an observation made. In the context of the observation model, it connotes the “world in the vicinity of the station”, so the observed properties relate to the physical medium at the station, and not to any physical artefact such as a mooring, buoy, benchmark, monument, well, etc.

    NOTE A transient sampling feature, such as a ships-track or flight-line, might be identified and described, but is unlikely to be revisited exactly.

    A sampling feature is intended to sample some feature-of-interest in an application domain, so there is an expectation of at least one sampledFeature property. However, in some cases the identity, and even the exact type, of the sampled feature may not be known when observations are made using the sampling features.

In Domain Of
In Range Of samfl:relatedSamplingFeature op
Restriction samfl:sampledFeature op min 1
Super Class Of

Sampling feature complex c

IRI http://def.seegrid.csiro.au/ontology/om/sam-lite#SamplingFeatureComplex
Is Defined By om:sam-lite
  • Resource that relates a sampling feature to another sampling feature with a role indicating the nature of the relationship.

  • Sampling features are frequently related to each other, as parts of complexes, through sub-sampling, and in other ways. If present, the association class SamplingFeatureComplex (Figure 9) shall link an SF_SamplingFeature to another SF_SamplingFeature.

In Domain Of samfl:role op
In Range Of samfl:complex op

Sampling point c

IRI http://def.seegrid.csiro.au/ontology/om/sam-lite#SamplingPoint
Is Defined By om:sam-lite
  • Spatial sampling feature whose shape is a 0-D manifold (Point)

  • Often referred to as a 'station', 'pixel', 'probe-spot' etc.

Sub Class Of samfl:SpatialSamplingFeature c
Restriction samfl:shape op only

Sampling solid c

IRI http://def.seegrid.csiro.au/ontology/om/sam-lite#SamplingSolid
Is Defined By om:sam-lite

Spatial sampling feature whose shape is a 3-D manifold (Solid)

Sub Class Of samfl:SpatialSamplingFeature c
Restriction samfl:shape op only

Sampling surface c

IRI http://def.seegrid.csiro.au/ontology/om/sam-lite#SamplingSurface
Is Defined By om:sam-lite
  • Spatial sampling feature whose shape is a 2-D manifold (Surface)

  • Scene, swath, cross-section, level, quadrat, area-of-interest, fence, etc.

Sub Class Of samfl:SpatialSamplingFeature c
Restriction samfl:shape op only

Spatial solid c

IRI http://def.seegrid.csiro.au/ontology/om/sam-lite#Solid
  • 3-D geometric object, whose exterior is a shell

  • This stub is included in the sam: ontology to support constraints on the sam:shape property of a sam:SamplingSolid. An existing OWL class that represents the notion of a Solid may be asserted to be a sub-class of this stub, but without requiring use of any particular representation of Solid in the context of a sam:SamplingSolid instance.

Sub Class Of samfl:GeometryObject c

Spatial sampling feature c

IRI http://def.seegrid.csiro.au/ontology/om/sam-lite#SpatialSamplingFeature
Is Defined By om:sam-lite
  • Sampling feature whose defining characteristic is that it samples the intended feature by geometric subsetting.

  • When observations are made to estimate properties of a geospatial feature, in particular where the value of a property varies within the scope of the feature, a spatial sampling feature is used. Depending on accessibility and on the nature of the expected property variation, the sampling feature may be extensive in one, two or three spatial dimensions. Processing and visualization methods are often dependent on the topological dimension of the sampling manifold, so this provides a natural classification system for sampling features.

    This classification follows common practice in focussing on conventional spatial dimensions. Properties observed on sampling features may be time-dependent, but the temporal axis does not generally contribute to the classification of sampling feature classes. Sampling feature identity is usually less time-dependent than the property value.

Sub Class Of samfl:SamplingFeature c
In Domain Of
Restriction samfl:shape op exactly 1
Super Class Of

Specimen c

IRI http://def.seegrid.csiro.au/ontology/om/sam-lite#Specimen
Is Defined By om:sam-lite

A Specimen is a physical sample, obtained for observation(s) normally carried out ex-situ, sometimes in a laboratory.

Sub Class Of
In Domain Of
Restriction samfl:samplingTime dp exactly 1

Spatial surface c

IRI http://def.seegrid.csiro.au/ontology/om/sam-lite#Surface
  • 2-D geometric object, whose exterior is a ring or polygon

  • This stub is included in the sam: ontology to support constraints on the sam:shape property of a sam:SamplingSurface. An existing OWL class that represents the notion of a Surface may be asserted to be a sub-class of this stub, but without requiring use of any particular representation of Surface in the context of a sam:SamplingSurface instance.

Sub Class Of samfl:GeometryObject c

Object Properties

sampling feature complex op

IRI http://def.seegrid.csiro.au/ontology/om/sam-lite#complex
Is Defined By om:sam-lite
Domain samfl:SamplingFeature c
Range samfl:SamplingFeatureComplex c

current location op

IRI http://def.seegrid.csiro.au/ontology/om/sam-lite#currentLocation
Is Defined By om:sam-lite

If present, the attribute currentLocation:Location shall describe the location of a physical specimen. This may be a storage location, such as a shelf in a warehouse or a drawer in a museum.

NOTE If a specimen no longer exists, for example, it was destroyed in connection with an observation act, then the currentLocation should be omitted or carry a suitable null indicator.

Domain samfl:Specimen c
Range samfl:Location c

hosted procedure or instrument op

IRI http://def.seegrid.csiro.au/ontology/om/sam-lite#hostedProcedure
Is Defined By om:sam-lite

A common role for a spatial sampling feature is to host instruments or procedures deployed repetitively or permanently. If present, the association Platform shall link the SF_SpatialSamplingFeature to an OM_Process deployed at it. The OM_Process has the role hostedProcedure with respect to the sampling feature.

Domain samfl:SpatialSamplingFeature c
Range samfl:ObservationProcess c

related sampling feature op

IRI http://def.seegrid.csiro.au/ontology/om/sam-lite#relatedSamplingFeature
Is Defined By om:sam-lite
Range samfl:SamplingFeature c

role op

IRI http://def.seegrid.csiro.au/ontology/om/sam-lite#role
Is Defined By om:sam-lite
Domain samfl:SamplingFeatureComplex c

sampled feature op

IRI http://def.seegrid.csiro.au/ontology/om/sam-lite#sampledFeature
Is Defined By om:sam-lite

A sampling feature is established in order to make observations concerning some domain feature. The association Intention shall link the SF_SamplingFeature to the feature which the sampling feature was designed to sample. The target of this association has the role sampledFeature with respect to the sampling feature, and shall not be a sampling feature or observation. It is usually a real-world feature from an application domain (Figures 5 and 10).

EXAMPLE A profile typically samples a water- or atmospheric-column; a well samples the water in an aquifer; a tissue specimen samples a part of an organism.

Domain samfl:SamplingFeature c

sampling location op

IRI http://def.seegrid.csiro.au/ontology/om/sam-lite#samplingLocation
Is Defined By om:sam-lite

If present, the attribute samplingLocation:GM_Object shall describe the location from where the specimen was obtained.

NOTE Where a specimen has a relatedSamplingFeature whose location provides an unambiguous location then this attribute is not required. However, if the specific sampling location within the sampledFeature is important, then this attribute supports its description.

Domain samfl:Specimen c
Range samfl:Location c

sampling method op

IRI http://def.seegrid.csiro.au/ontology/om/sam-lite#samplingMethod
Is Defined By om:sam-lite

Process used to obtain the Specimen from its sampledFeature

Domain samfl:Specimen c
Range samfl:Process c

spatial sampling feature shape op

IRI http://def.seegrid.csiro.au/ontology/om/sam-lite#shape
Is Defined By om:sam-lite

The association Geometry shall link an SF_SpatialSamplingFeature to a GM_Object that describes its shape.

Domain samfl:SpatialSamplingFeature c
Range samfl:GeometryObject c

specimen size op

IRI http://def.seegrid.csiro.au/ontology/om/sam-lite#size
Is Defined By om:sam-lite

the attribute size:Measure shall describe a physical extent of the specimen. This may be length, mass, volume, etc., as appropriate for the specimen instance and its material class.

Domain samfl:Specimen c
Range samfl:Measure c

Datatype Properties

sampling time dp

IRI http://def.seegrid.csiro.au/ontology/om/sam-lite#samplingTime
Is Defined By om:sam-lite

samplingTime records when the specimen was retrieved from the sampled feature.

Domain samfl:Specimen c
Range xsd:dateTime

Functional Properties

sampling time fp

IRI http://def.seegrid.csiro.au/ontology/om/sam-lite#samplingTime
Is Defined By om:sam-lite

samplingTime records when the specimen was retrieved from the sampled feature.

Domain samfl:Specimen c
Range xsd:dateTime

spatial sampling feature shape fp

IRI http://def.seegrid.csiro.au/ontology/om/sam-lite#shape
Is Defined By om:sam-lite

The association Geometry shall link an SF_SpatialSamplingFeature to a GM_Object that describes its shape.

Domain samfl:SpatialSamplingFeature c
Range samfl:GeometryObject c




c Classes
op Object Properties
dp Datatype Properties
fp Functional Properties

made by p y LODE 3.0.2a

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